The careers section of our website will be reviewed and updated once the current academic year has concluded on Wednesday 24th July 2024.


CHS South is committed to providing quality and impartial careers education, information and guidance ensuring students are able to make informed and aspirational choices about their future routes. At the core of all the careers work is the belief that quality CEIAG has a positive effect on student engagement, attitudes and outcomes.


The careers programme at CHS South is comprehensive; CEIAG is delivered through the Academic curriculum, Pastoral curriculum and the Enrichment curriculum. 


The designated Careers Lead for CHS South is Mr H Singh, Assistant Headteacher - [email protected] or 0161 241 9930.


CHS South Careers Provider Access Statement


The CHS South Careers Programme

Each year group has a particular focus and drive that builds the knowledge and employability skills that students need to develop in order to achieve their future goals.


Year 7 – Dare to dream – Aspiration and the mapping of skills and abilities.  Development of the Qualities of Success (QOS)
During transition and the start of year 7, students provide us with information about the subjects that they are passionate about, their aspirations for the future and Career pathways that they are interested in. This enables the pastoral team and Curriculum areas to identify suitable students for the careers opportunities available. These include encounters with employers, motivational speakers, workshops and trips.
As part of International Women’s Day in March all Year 7 girls attend a ‘speed-dating’ event where they meet over 20 women from different backgrounds with differing career paths. 


Year 8 – Recognising and developing Employability skills. Development of the Qualities of Success (QOS)
As part of the Year 8 Pastoral Curriculum 'Careers' is the Autumn 2 foci.  This period will be especially focused on careers with a visiting speaker in assembly each week. 

As part of International Men’s Day in November all Year 8 boys will attend a ‘Speed-networking’ event with over 20 professionals from a range of backgrounds with a variety of career paths. 

Year 8 have the opportunity to opt for an Arts elective for study in Year 9. Assemblies are led by the Arts team to highlight the interpersonal and employability skills of study in the arts as well as potential careers in this employability sector. 


Year 9 – Researching career choices and where the subjects being studied can lead. Looking at which skills are missing and need to be acquired. Development of the Qualities of Success (QOS).
Students develop their employability skills through the pastoral curriculum, looking at the Qualities of Success and reflecting on their strengths and areas for development. All Year 9 students also complete an Extended Learning Experience Day focused on Careers and Enterprise. They take part in a number of workshops including; developing interview skills, team building challenges, researching careers on kudos, alumni talks and a Financial Enterprise event with local employers.  A number of opportunities are created for students to have taster sessions in subject areas or careers that they are interested in so that they can make informed judgements about the choices that they opt to study in Year 9. All Year 9 students have a pathways interview with a member of staff to guide them through their options choices.


Year 9 will take part in a STEMfest week where students across the year groups take part in a range of activities to develop their awareness of careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics industries. Activities may include Harry Potter themed science experiments, working with engineers to design roller coasters, a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry, looking at the Scientific history of Greater Manchester and a STEM Careers networking event. Students also lead on raising money for the local Christie hospital through raising awareness and STEM themed bake sales.


Year 10 – Researching College courses and the further development/embedding of employability skills through work experience. Developing skills and interest profiles and building on the Qualities of Success.

All Year 10 students will complete one week of work experience. This offers an opportunity to fully experience the world of work and further develop the employability skills required for a successful career. We work with Our Futures to secure exciting placements over a range of sectors in the Manchester area.  A variety of College taster days take place for students to think further about their destinations post high school. One to one meetings with the in-school careers advisor take place for Year 10 students in the Summer term. 


Year 11 – Consolidating the Qualities of Success and employability skills. Deciding on which route to follow and completing the application process. Securing the grades required for successful Post 16 routes from high school. 

All Year 11 students will be invited to a Further Education evening where they have an opportunity to meet a number of educational and training providers, learn more about the routes available and further understand the application process. All students meet the in school Careers advisor at least once more to support them in securing a post 16 destination. College interviews and staff support with the college application process takes place, as well as apprenticeship talks, University seminars and the RESPECT curriculum supports college applications and personal statements. 


Extra provision is also provided through the local authority for students who may need more intensive, personalised and targeted support to ensure a successful transition.


RESPECT lessons offer opportunities to write personal statements, practice interview techniques and complete college or training applications to ensure all pupils are ready for the next stage of their journey. 


All pupils with an Educational Health Care Plan in Year 7-11 have a bespoke careers advisor termly across their school career.


Transition to College

Our students are fully supported in the College Application process through our Life Skills curriculum, ensuring that not only are their applications of the highest quality, but also that students choose colleges and courses that are appropriate to their level of ability. We have strong links with all of our local colleges who offer our students exclusive ‘taster days’ and events to allow students to experience college life before they make their final decisions. Colleges also send representatives to Parents’ Evenings and career events and give presentations to our students during their weekly Year 11 assemblies.


Extra provision is also provided through the local authority for students who may need more intensive, personalised and targeted support to ensure a successful transition.


Careers Advisor

The school employs a qualified Careers Advisor from 'Our Futures' who meets with every student in Year 10 or in Year 11 as part of a rolling programme. However, any student from any year can make an appointment though the library. Students are able to gain individualised advice and guidance on their proposed courses and routes post 16. The careers advisor can also be seen by any student at any time by simply making an appointment at the Library or by attending one of the drop-in sessions. Each student is provided with a bespoke Action Plan which is routinely updated after each meeting. It is also shared with parents.


The careers advisor also works closely with our most vulnerable students and is in attendance at key review meetings.


The careers advisor (Mike Murray) can be contacted on 0161 241 9930 or emailed directly at [email protected]


Business Entrepreneur Advisor

CHS South is part of the Greater Manchester Apprenticeships and Careers Service. We continue to ensure that we meet all 8 Gatsby benchmarks and use the Compass Tool to map our progress. We work closely with a local Business Entrepreneur Advisor to ensure that our students are getting the best possible careers opportunities and are developing the skills that are in demand. We work closely with a local Business Entrepreneur Advisor to ensure that our students are getting the best possible careers opportunities and are developing the skills that are in demand. More information about this service can be found here


Measuring the Impact

We review each event and opportunity that we provide our students with on a regular basis to ensure breadth, diversity, equity & impact.  We speak to students, staff & community members to gather their opinions on the careers events that take place.  This feedback informs our future planning and is shared with Governors on a termly basis.  



All our students can access resources and information at any time by using the dedicated careers section in the Library where they can pick up prospectuses, leaflets and application forms. Online resources are also signposted in these areas as are key website addresses.


Useful websites

The school has subscribed to Careers Mag, a magazine designed to give top tips to parents regarding careers, post 16 routes and the variety of available job opportunities.

This website offers students information on thousands of careers giving details of qualification required, wages, job roles and related information. Log in details are available from the Library.


There are also a great many additional websites that offer valuable careers information. - this is the official government site and offers information on a wide range of careers, job roles and CV writing. There are a number of career tools that support choices about future routes. - offers information about different apprenticeships and provides details of current vacancies. - students can watch films and videos about different jobs. - Information on the wide range of careers within the NHS. - offers advice on course choices and options after doing GCSE’s.  In addition, students can start thinking about universities and course entry requirements. - students can take a free aptitude test to see which job they are suited to.


Charity work

The CHS South community is committed to raising money for a range of local charities, national events and global campaigns throughout the year. As well as supporting local and international charities this also encourages enterprise and understanding of income. Each Year group has a student council who choose their charity. 


Careers Policy


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