Progress Tests will begin on Monday 17th June 2024 and will be completed by Thursday 27th June 2024. Students will sit tests in all of their subjects; the experience provides them with an opportunity to test their recall, develop an understanding of how to prepare for tests, and chance to demonstrate the progress they have made to date.


At CHS South we recognise that students have different starting points and are different types of learners. At CHS South we endeavour to ensure that our students make the most progress possible, regardless of their starting point. To do this successfully we have to have an assessment system that is easy to understand, clearly demonstrates progress and is suitably robust and relevant.


What are the progress tests?

Progress Tests are a mix of multiple choice, short, medium and long answer questions which test pupil's knowledge of what they have been taught each term and since the beginning of the year. 


What to revise?

Most Curriculum Areas highlight the students' exercise books as the most important tool for revision purposes. The tests are predominantly on what has been covered over the past term although content of the test builds up over the academic year. It is also worth referring to the 'Frameworks For Learning' for further information. At the beginning of the Spring term, students will receive a handbook shown below. This will provide the students with the necessary dates for the tests and specific information about how to revise.


How to revise?

Revision is a skill that learners need to familiarise themselves with. Students have access to TEAMS, our online revision and homework platform which contains lots of really useful revision materials.


Feedback from the tests

Students will receive feedback from two sources. Firstly, they will receive a raw score which tells them how many marks they have gained; this will be supported by some analysis of how they have done in particular areas, with strengths highlighted along with specific areas for developments.
Secondly, we will send home short reports with Progress Statements, which are a comparison of how students have performed compared to students with a similar starting point. These are useful to see how well students are progressing and also how much effort is being made in each subject area.


What we do with the results

The Progress Tests generate information on how the students are doing in the subject. The results are one of many contributing factors to setting and set movements.

Please find below a digital version of our Progress Test Handbooks for the forthcoming Progress Tests; students will receive a hard copy to support preparations for their tests. 


Progress Test Handbooks 2023/2024 - Summer

All students have a 5-year learning journey at CHS South to enable them to become Creative, Happy and Successful. Good learning habits are crucial to enable success. One such habit is independent study. We encourage you to talk to your child about their report and ensure they complete the Solutions that they have been provided for each subject. We believe that developing independent study habits will support our students becoming Creative, Happy and Successful.


Students will also receive an end of year Tutor Report which will reflect on each student’s personal development over the year and will be emailed out towards the end of the Summer Term.

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