Home School Agreement

This is a key document and outlines the key commitments that we expect from yourselves as parents, from your child as a student at the school, and our commitment as a school to you both.  

The document forms the basis of our expectations for all students, and it is likely that you would be contacted by the school should your child regularly show behaviours that are not aligned with our Home School Agreement.  

Please therefore discuss the Home School Agreement with your child in the period leading up to them joining our school. We encourage you to explore the statements further with your child and discuss how they can ensure that they adhere to the principles in the Agreement. If you have any questions regarding the agreement, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.  



I/ We will endeavour to:  

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day, on time, in full school uniform and with the correct equipment.  
  • Inform the school on first day, by 8.30am, of any absence through illness or other reason.  
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.  
  • Support the school’s policies on attendance, behaviour, homework, and uniform.  
  • Praise successes at school, and support the school if sanctions are necessary.  
  • Encourage and support my child with learning opportunities both in and out of school.  
  • Ask questions that allow my child to share his/her learning and offer opportunities to build upon this learning at home.  
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings and any meetings about my child’s progress and respond where I can to communication from the school, entering in to a productive dialogue with the school about strategies to support my child’s progress.  
  • Get to know about my child’s life at school and what the school expects of my child.  
  • Embrace and promote the school’s ‘Qualities of Success’ of optimism, empathy, motivation, creativity, curiosity, responsibility, resiliency, reflection & practice.  



The School will endeavour to:  

  • Care for your child’s safety, happiness and welfare.  
  • Ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community.  
  • Provide a broad & balanced curriculum and learning experience that challenges, motivates and meets the individual needs of your child.  
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour, building up good relationships and fostering a good sense of personal responsibility.  
  • Ensure that your child attains the highest possible results in all assessments and examinations.  
  • Keep you & your child informed of their progress and other school matters.  
  • Be open and welcoming at all times.  
  • Offer opportunities for you to voice your concerns and support the daily life of the school.  
  • Embrace and promote the school’s ‘Qualities of Success’ of optimism, empathy, motivation, creativity, curiosity, responsibility, resiliency, reflection & practice.  



I will endeavour to:  

  • Attend school regularly and on time.  
  • Bring all the equipment I need every day.  
  • Wear my school uniform with pride at all times.  
  • Be punctual to my lessons.  
  • Do all my classwork and home learning activities as well as I can, ensuring to hand them in on time.  
  • Be courteous, polite, helpful and respectful to all members of our school community.  
  • Demonstrate the qualities of an outstanding student both in lessons, around the school building and on educational trips and visits.  
  • Represent the school, my family and myself with pride on the journey to and from school.  
  • Respect and care for the school environment, keeping our school free of litter, graffiti and chewing gum. Embrace and promote the school’s ‘Qualities of Success’ of optimism, empathy, motivation, creativity, curiosity, responsibility, resiliency, reflection & practice.  



We will endeavour: 

  • To resolve problems in a friendly, supportive manner.  
  • To work together in harmony. 
  • To ensure our children reach their full potential. 
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