
At CHS South, we define bullying as: 

"Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online." 

This definition, created by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and its members, is based on 30 years of global research. 

Our Approach to Combating Bullying 

We address the issue of bullying and promote anti-bullying behaviour by sharing this definition with all students and staff. Our initiatives include: 

  • Assemblies and Form Time Sessions: Focusing on the characteristics of bullying and how to be a defender. 
  • Annual Anti-Bullying Poster Competition: Encouraging students to create and display anti-bullying messages. 
  • Anti-Bullying Charter: Displayed in every classroom and around the school, the charter was created by our School Council and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. It outlines powerful steps students can take if they are worried about bullying and includes our anti-bullying email address.

Document Title Date Download
Anti-Bullying Charter 31st Aug 2024 Download

Our whole school code of conduct, "Ready, Respectful, and Safe," reminds students of their responsibilities regarding bullying: 

  • Be Ready: Know how we define bullying and be prepared to be a defender. 
  • Be Respectful: Particularly towards those who are different from you. 
  • Be Safe: Help others by reporting bullying if you encounter it. 


Support for Parents and Carers 

If parents or carers are worried about bullying, they can contact the school by contacting our school office.

0161 241 9930

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