Each student at CHS South will be carefully assigned to a Tutor Group. The Form Tutor will see students every morning and will be a consistent point of contact, taking responsibility for guiding their personal, social and academic welfare and maintaining communication with parents/carers. Form Tutors develop a close relationship with their form group and will have the clearest overview of progress, guidance and academic achievement. Each Year Group will be led by a Head of Year, also known as a Pastoral Leader, who has overall responsibility for the well-being of students in their Year Group. Heads of Year will also be responsible for monitoring the progress of students and will work with Tutors to promote good attendance, positive behaviour and a vibrant community spirit.
The ethos of CHS South is central to developing and maintaining high standards of academic achievement and in nurturing positive, respectful and responsible future citizens. Good behaviour and achievement will be recognised through our comprehensive rewards system and students will be encouraged to be role models for each other. A culture of respect will be actively promoted throughout the school. Our anti-bullying policy establishes the right for every child to feel safe and self-assured; making it clear that any behaviour deliberately causing upset will not be tolerated. It promotes mutual respect between students which encourages confidence in talking openly. Our students will play a major part in developing and shaping our school. The representatives of our student council will directly influence school improvements and meet regularly to discuss issues and priorities and to contribute to the school, Trust and wider community.
Student focus groups will:
We are committed to preparing young people to be healthy, responsible citizens of the future. We will actively promote the co-operative values of respect, responsibility, leadership, community awareness and self-confidence, alongside actively teaching our nine Qualities of Success, to help our young people grow to be mature, well-rounded and resilient citizens. Our PSHE curriculum will be central to the development of these personal skills and will raise students’ awareness of many global, local and personal issues; equipping them with some of the tools that they will need in later life.
Miss N Cunningham – Senior Pastoral Manager
Miss P Jackson – Pastoral Leader for Year 11
Miss C Dunn – Pastoral Leader for Year 10
Mr J Barton – Pastoral Leader for Year 9
Miss M Jeffers – Pastoral Leader for Year 8
Mrs J Jikiemi – Pastoral Leader for Year 7
Miss Y Ali
Mr W Davies
Ms J Miller
Ms T Miller
Miss I Shah
Mr J Taylor-Bell
Miss L Brindley - Admin Assistant (Pastoral & Attendance)
Miss Y Versace – Academic Tutor (Vulnerable & Complex Students)