"The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole."J. Krishnamurti (Philosopher, Writer and Speaker)
At CHS South we are committed to providing high quality educational opportunities for our community. Our vision is based on the belief that a rich and knowledge led curriculum is a vital component of life. We nurture academic success alongside creativity and imagination throughout the school curriculum to help learners to secure the knowledge, skills and personal qualities they will need for future success.
At our school, all students engage with a broad and balanced curriculum designed to stretch and challenge while providing the necessary support to help them reach their full potential. As students’ progress through Key Stage 3 & 4, they are increasingly able to tailor their educational journey, supported by high-quality teaching in the core subjects of English, Maths, and Science.
In Years 7 and 8, students also study Modern Foreign Languages, Computing, Humanities (History, Geography, Religious Education), a variety of Technology subjects, Art, Drama, Dance, Music, and Physical Education. This diverse and stimulating curriculum ensures that each day is filled with engaging lessons and enriching experiences
In Year 9, students continue with the Key Stage 3 curriculum and have the opportunity to delve deeper into one Arts subject of their choice. They select an 'Arts Elective' from Art, Dance, Drama, Photography, Music or Music Technology, dedicating two hours per week to their chosen subject. This elective allows students to develop a deeper, conceptual understanding and acquire valuable knowledge and skills that are transferable to other areas of study.
All students follow the core curriculum and have the opportunity to specialise in an extensive selection of GCSE and technical subjects. We provide a broad array of courses, enabling students to choose the path that best suits their needs, interests, and future career aspirations. Our curriculum is both rigorous and challenging, as well as creative and inspiring, offering a diverse and comprehensive education tailored to our vibrant and eclectic student body. We take pride in addressing the needs of all our students and inspiring them to achieve their best through our rich and engaging curriculum.
Details of the curriculum offer can be accessed on the Year group curriculum pages.
If you require further information, please contact Miss Higgins (Deputy Headteacher).
An education where imagination, curiosity and resilience enable us to ignite our learning.
A shared belief that optimism, empathy and responsibility are the foundations for a respectful, safe and inclusive community.
Individuals who are ready to learn, practise being reflective, and are motivated to become champions.