Interactive Webinar for Parents/Carers

Interactive Webinar for Parents/Carers
2nd Nov 2023

We are excited to announce an informative webinar designed to provide you with valuable insights into the changes that occur in the teenage brain from Manchester Healthy Schools. Understanding these transformations can greatly assist in comprehending and supporting your young adults during this critical phase of their lives.


During the session, they will cover a range of essential topics, including:

Key Areas of the Teenage Brain: Delve into three crucial regions of the adolescent brain and learn how they influence behaviour and decision-making.

Hormones and Brain Function: Gain a deeper understanding of the hormones that play a significant role in shaping cognitive development and behaviour during the teenage years.

Melatonin and Sleep Patterns: Explore the relationship between melatonin, a key sleep-regulating hormone, and the sleep patterns of teenagers.

Unpacking Brain Functionality: Discover the fundamental workings of the teenage brain, helping you grasp their cognitive processes.

The Social Brain: Gain insights into how the teenage brain processes social interactions and relationships, providing valuable context for their behaviour.

Applying Brain Knowledge to Understand Behaviour: Learn how knowledge about brain development can be applied to better understand and support teenage behaviour.

The Crucial Role of Parents/Carers: Understand your vital role in supporting young people during this pivotal time in their lives.


This webinar promises to equip you with the tools and knowledge to navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes of your teenager. We encourage all parents and carers to join for this engaging session.

To book onto one of the two webinars, visit Manchester Healthy Schools

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